Corporate Governance
The company recognizes the importance and has confidence in the principles and processes of effective corporate governance. It views these as crucial mechanisms in promoting the company to be an organization with efficient and effective management.
The business is conducted with ethical, transparent, and auditable management systems. There is equality and fairness towards all stakeholders, supporting the company to operate in line with its strategies and objectives. The organization can adapt appropriately to change, creating sustainable and enduring value for the business. It instills confidence among shareholders, stakeholders, and all relevant parties.
Other policies
Anti-Corruption Policy
Conflict of Interest Policy
Social and Environmental Responsibility Policy
Sustainability Management Policy
Company and Customer Confidentiality Policy
Succession Plan
Risk Management Policy
Information Technology and Computer Usage Policy
Whistleblowing and Complaints Policy
CCTV Privacy Policy
Company Documents
Company Regulations
Channels for Whistleblowing and Complaints
The company has measures and processes to maintain confidentiality and handle your information well, following the Whistleblowing Policy.